
Digital Inclusion – Episode 3 of the Connect This! Show

On Episode 3 of Connect This!, Christopher is joined by Angela Siefer, Executive Director of the National Digital Inclusion Alliance, Deb Socia, President of The Enterprise Center in Chattanooga, Tennessee, and Travis Carter, CEO of US Internet to talk about digital inclusion and solving the broadband gap.


5G, CBRS, and Urban WISPs – Episode 2 of the Connect This! Show

Host Christopher Mitchell speaks with Mason Carroll (Monkeybrains), Deborah Simpier (Althea Networks), and Travis Carter (US Internet) about urban wireless solutions, including 5G, Citizens Broadband Radio Service, and how cities can help WISPS.


Satellite Internet Access, the Future of Cable, and Small Fiber ISPs – Episode 1 of the Connect This! Show

Host Christopher Mitchell speaks with Doug Dawson of CCG Consulting, Monica Webb of Ting, and Travis Carter of US Internet. Their conversation touches on LEO, Voting, Future of Cable, and Challenges for Small FISPs.